Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Case Against the Invisible Man (A Dream Story) Video

The Case Against the Invisible Man (A Dream Story)

Today I want to share with you a dream story.  I dream often and many times the are like short stories.  I have always loved writing and reading short stories so my dreams are my muse.
In this video, I will share with you a dream story called: "The Case Against the Invisible Man"
Before you ask, I want you to know that I do flesh out my dreams stories so that they can flow when telling them to you. I dream in vivid detail but in some instances, it's more of a knowing than to say that I actually  "saw" it in the dream Universe. So to make it a more interesting read, I may had a few details that were there in the dream Universe but not specifically.  If you are a dream you know what I mean.
This dream story is comedy with a bit of a  mature audience content.  So be advised, before you share this dream story with your children. 
I suggest that the quickest way to evolve in the development of you spirituality is become completely immersed in the dream Universe.  There is so much wisdom, knowledge and understanding right there for you.  Dreams are Messages from the Soul.

This dream story has 3 parts.

  • The Court Docket
  • Ms. Halu Synate describes the advantages and disadvantages of having an Invisible Lover.
  • And finally, the court proceedings.
  • By all means, enjoy the story, leave your comments below and hopefully you will get a good belly laugh out of it.  Thanks so much for listening and thanks for watching.

  • ____________________________________________________________________

    This story covers the details of a case presented in court, before JUDGE HERKIMER BARTHOLOMEW JOHNSON
    US District Court Docket 777555408
    Date: January 74, 2018
    Court of Common Pleas
    District 69
    City: Moronsville
    State: Woodenunoit Township, KS, USA
    Residing Judge: Judge Herkimer Bartholomew Johnson

    Complainant: MS. HALOU SYNATE
    Legal Counsel: MS. HALOU SYNATE represents self
    Defendant: MR. AJM UNCEEN
    Legal Counsel: Unknown. Defendant was unable to secure counsel due to circumstances beyond his control, i.e., he could not appear.

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of having An Affair with An Invisible Man

    The Advantages:

    Has this ever happen to you.  Have you ever been ravished by an Invisible Man.
    It happens to some of the best of us, and maybe a few of the worst of us, but it can happen and I am here to tell you my story. I have a very intriguing story to tell, I have been having an affair with an invisible man.  I mean this man, when he comes over he rocks me in the cradle of love, and I rocks back.

    You don't have to worry about catching any diseases. Or what your body looks like or smells like. You don't have to fix your hair.
    It doesn't matter what you have on, you can have on all your clothes or none of your clothes.
    You can wear whatever you like, new or old. Something flattering to your shape or size or just an old t-shirt with holes in it.
    You don't have to get up and fix it breakfast in the morning or polish his shoes, motivate him or tell him how handsome he is. You don't have to pay his bills, nurse him to health or protect his fragile ego.
    Every once in a while they may get fragile because they want it to seem like you are immensely so charged by their invisibility, that when they come on the scene you can't help yourself.
    So they may need some type of energetic response from you like "oohs" and "aahs" and count your orgasms.  They might want to see you move your toosh around a bit, do the sexual dance. The one where you roll your hips around just so he can feel you are dancing for him a little bit. After that you can just lay da fuq there.

    He can come at any time. He can come while you are standing in the bank line or talking with someone. He can come when you are fixing dinner for your ownself.  Or when you are standing naked in the middle of the floor. He responds to your every wish and will happily oblige you.  I even heard that multiple female orgasm causes weight loss. Since he is invisible you can have hundreds in one day!

    Now there are some disadvantages but not too many.
    He can't put out the trash or walk the dog, you have to do that yourself.

    And, if you are really good at communicating with this invisible man, you might hear him tell you how beautiful you are. He might even tell you he loves you, just to keep you going. So you won't have any doubt in your mind that you are being ravished by an invisible man who loves you. Now,  above all the things that you could possibly enjoy and extremely cherish, is the fact that the invisible man, loves you.

    He says, "I might be invisible, but that don't mean I don't love you. I'm just invisible."

    One of the Key advantages to this invisibility, you don't have to deal with the friction, so you can entertain him all the damn day.

    And if your invisible man is really talented, he'll put your ass on a schedule.  He will wake you up and tuck you in at night!

    The invisible man can keep you aroused all in your sleep. Make you have orgasm all while you are sleeping and you can't accuse him of rape or molestation or any like that, can't you see yourself in court, trying to accuse the invisible man?

    Well maybe not, but I can and that is exactly what I did! Things got out of hand and so I had to take him to court.


    Order in the court. Order in the court!  All Rise!

    "Ma'am………? So it appears that you wish to bring a case before the court, you have an accusation that you would care for the court to address."
    "Yes, I do, your honor. I have a case that I would like to bring before the court."
    "Yes Ma'am, what is it? Please state your case."
    "Well, you see, I want to report a rape."
    "Okay Ma'am, did you do your rape kit? Did you go and get that done?"
    "Yeah, I got that done and there were no physical signs of rape."
    "Okay Ma'am, so why are you here if there were no signs of it?"
    "Well the only signs I had was that my honey pot was dripping."
    "Okay, your honey pot was dripping, Ma'am?"
    "Yes it was, and actually it's been going on for at least two months, that I have found myself being ravished and it's happening while I am asleep."
    "Ma'am, you are being raped in your sleep, Ma'am?"
    "Yes, it seems that our activities when I am awake are not enough for him, so he continues to get it, to engage, with me, while I am asleep. In fact, he wakes me up, and I always thought that if there's no consent there, that it could be called rape."
    "Okay Ma'am, you are being approached while you are sleeping.  So Ma'am, I am trying to understand what is your case that you wish to bring against this…  Who is this person, do you have a name for this person?"
    "Well, I have a pet name for him. Because I noticed that when I call his name, he shows up."
    "Ma'am, you are in a relationship with the person that you are accusing of raping you, Ma'am?"
    "Well see, what had happened was, your honor, one day I was feeling like I wanted to experiment to see that  if I gave him a name, would he come whenever I wanted him to, because before then, he was the one who decided to come visit me. You know sometimes you want a visitor and other times you don't want a visitor. So I need to be sure that I could control the visits when I wanted them, instead of waiting for him to decide when "he" would visit me.  So I gave him a pet name and I've been using that name ever since, your honor."
    "Ma'am, do you think this is the right place to plead your case. Maybe you might want to talk to a psychiatrist."
    "No, I don't need a psychiatrist, I am not crazy. I have been ravished, I have been molested, I have been raped, I have been over taken, I have been possessed, by an invisible man. And I want to plead my case in this court of law, your honor. Because I didn't mind being ravished when I was awake, but this whole thing about ravishing me in my sleep, and I thought that when you are not conscious and they come and get you, that you can bring a case against them."
    "But Ma'am, you have no proof, the rape kit came back negative, there's no semen……….…"
    "No, that's right, there's no semen, but I got plenty of juice to show you. In fact your honor, if you like, I can demonstrate how he does it."
    "Ma'am, that will not be necessary. Thank you.  Will you please continue with your story."
    "Okay, well, one day in a small country town known as Moronsville, KS, a tall dark and handsome hunk of a man sat in my living room. Yes he did. And we had a business meeting and so during that meeting, we exchanged loving long glances at one another. I looked at him and he… looked at me.
    "Well is he invisible yet?"
    "No, no, no, he's not invisible yet. No, no, no he's not invisible. He's not an apparition not just yet, he is in the physical and he is fine as the day is long. Yes, that's right.
    Several years later, I started noticing that he was lurking within the deep recesses and corners of my home."
    "Is he, is he, is he still visible, Ma'am."
    "Oh no, the visible man hasn't been around since who knows da fuq how long that's been. Who da fuq knows when the last time his physical ass been here, I ain't talking about his physical ass.  I'm talking about……. Oh, excuse me, pardon my vernacular. No he has not returned in the physical flesh as of yet."
    "Oh, I see Ma'am so continue with your story, it's quite intriguing."
    "Yes, it is, you can't even imagine how amazing it is to be ravished by an invisible man. And I have no complaints about being ravished. It's just when the ravishing continues throughout the day, when I'm standing, when I'm walking, when I'm talking, when I'm working, those moments, when I am a little indispose to entertain my invisible man. Yes, those are the times, when I feel the most vulnerable,  and may have him feel like 'Damn, you mean to tell me that you don't want me to visit you now?"
    "Uh Yeah, I do want you to visit me, I just don't want you to visit me now."
    "Well, that's what I asked you, that you don't want me to visit you now."
    "No, because see, I have things to do, and when you are in there visiting me, I get distracted, I can't concentrate and all of that.  So that's why it's best that you come when I'm not doing something."
    That's how you have to communicate with him, you know, because his feelings will get hurt, if you don't be nice to him.  Although I do have a magic word. It's like a magic bullet! It's like a silver bullet! That word right there, all I have to do is say that word and poof! He disappears!
    But he ravishes my body, and takes me places I have never been before on the physical plane.  Then it got out of hand one day, and that's why I'm in court, because it got out of hand. It seriously got out of hand, because up until that point I didn't have no problems with my invisible man.  It was going on for years, your honor. I mean, I had no problems with my affair with my invisible man.  I didn't have to worry about his family or his friends, I didn't have to worry about my family and my friends.  Nobody had to know that he was coming to visit me, 4 and 5 times a day. No one knew, it was a secret."
    "But Ma'am, you said he was invisible, though."
    "Yes he is, he can't help himself, he has to be invisible. He doesn't want anyone to see him. He's invisible because he has to be invisible. There's no way around that."
    "Okay Ma'am, he's invisible."
     "But you are having an affair with him though aren't you?."
    "Yes, yes I am, it's a fascinating affair, it's so amazing, it's so amazing. I have never had the type of orgasms I have had with this man."
    "It may appear a bit strange to you. I understand that, you might think the physical orgasms are much more profound than the orgasms from an invisible man, but I'm here to tell you, having felt what a visible man can do, I tell you right here, and I tell you right now, I prefer the invisible man. Yeah!"
    "Okay, Ma'am."
    "Yes so, let me tell you my story. So, it's been years since he has been in my physical presence.  But in the meantime and in between time, he has entertained me from the invisible realm."
    "Yes I kid you not. In fact, the entertainment is so profound that I am speechless afterwards. In fact, I often fall into a deep hypnotic trance."
    "Okay Ma'am, a deep hypnotic trance you fall into?."
    "Yes, I do, I kid you not"
    "Okay, and so after this deep hypnotic trance, how do you feel?"
    "Oh, I feel wonderful, I feel wonderful, I feel… oh, I just can't even describe, it's indescribable."
    "Okay, so why are we in court Ma'am. If you are having an affair with an invisible man who is making you feel all these kinds of ways, so why are you in court?"
    "Well you see, the reason I am in court is because I had read somewhere that, when someone takes advantage of you, if you are sleeping and someone decides to come in there and sit on you and penetrate you, and he didn't ask you, he kind of got in there, it might be something that I need to have addressed in a court of law."
    "Yes Ma'am but didn't you say that this man is invisible."
    "Oh certainly he is, but does invisibility have anything to do with the law of the land? How does it not apply to him, if he's visible and he does it or if he's invisible and he does it? He broke the law and that is my point"
    "Okay Ma'am he broke the law."
    "Exactly, this is what I am trying to explain to you. So let me finish my story. So one day we were enjoying ourselves."
    "You were enjoying yourselves?"
    "Yes, we were, we were having quite a wonderful time together. And then, he said he wanted to, well you know that thing they do, he said he wanted to do that, and when he did it, OMG,  well, I mean after he reached his peak and he released himself, I followed suit and before I knew it I was releasing for 24 hours, afterwards."
    "Ma'am, releasing what?"
    "Oh my dear, you don't want me to be that specific do you?"
    "Oh yes, Ma'am, it would help with gathering the evidence in this case, it will help our case and help us determine whether or not the invisible man is guilty of the charges being pressed against him. So we need to have all the facts. So Ma'am, let's go back to your story."
    "Yes, so he released himself, I released myself but I never stopped releasing, I continued to release for 24 hours afterwards."
    "Okay, were you able to Participate with any of your other activities?"
    "Your honor, I think this line of questioning is inappropriate, I mean I don't wish to override your position as the judge in this hearing, but I'm beginning to think that you are looking more for details about our experiences together, more so than looking at the fact!!! That I was asleep."
    " Well Ma'am the more evidence you give us, the more certain we can be of providing the justice that you seek and deserve."
    "Alright sir, I really don't want to get into some details because when you asked me about releasing myself, what does that have to do with anything."
    "Well Ma'am, you added that to the story, and so we thought we would engage you and follow along with your story because that's what you are telling us, that you released yourself."
    "Yes I did, your honor, but that has nothing to do with  the fact that I was asleep, and I just finished reading that when someone enters your lair while you are asleep, and takes advantage of you, you can accuse them, take them to court and have them prosecuted. Oh I must admit, too. I am not too sure, but he may be even drugging me. I am beginning to believe during the waking times that he is drugging me, I do tend to think that is exactly what is happening."
    "Ma'am are the drugs invisible too?"
    "Well of course the drugs are invisible. How could he, an invisible man, carry a physical drug and give it to me.   Seriously judge you should know that. You have been a judge for a very long time. And certain things you should not need to ask. And it would be obvious that if he's an invisible man, that his drugs are  invisible as well.  I don't understand why you are even asking this, the invisibility of his drugs.  I am telling you about the effects of his drugs. I'm talking about the effects of his drugs, not the fact of whether they are visible, that's obvious that they are invisible, obviously!"
    "Okay Ma'am, it's obvious that his drugs are invisible and you are having an effect……...."
    "Yes, that's right, when he drugs me up, I am out of my mind, I can't think, I can't walk, I can't talk, I just fall off to sleep and have the most awesome dreams, but that is irrelevant, the fact that I dream after he comes. But that's irrelevant to the case here, but what I would like to express and stress is that when he comes….. and drugs me, I found out that that was incorrect, I found out that that was against the law,  that you are not supposed to drug somebody and then take advantage of them, and so I wanted to add that, but I don't know if that's a different case or anything, or if it's evidence that you need for this particular case, all I know is that I read up on it."
    "Okay Ma'am, can you please continue."
    "Certainly, no problem, I am saying that I am having an affair with this very awesome invisible man. I had no problem with having an affair with him. It's been going on for years. Matter of fact it's been going on for 9 years.  Yes, he'd show up in my dreams and ravish me, then he started showing up in my visions, and then the visions got more and more powerful, and before long, he was there all the time."
    "Okay Ma'am so, you're saying he's invisible, but you can envision him you can see him, you can actually see him?"
    "Yes, I can see him, he's only invisible to you. You can't see him."
    "So I decided to use the term "invisible" just so that "you" could understand why "you" don't see him.  It should make logical sense to anyone who hears this story.  You can't see him because he's only visible to me."
    "that's right! And it's very true."
    "Yes Ma'am, and so continue."
    "So after many years of just showing up in my dreams, he decided to come visit me. Yes he did. And the visits, I must say were quite exquisite, I totally enjoyed them. You see when you deal with an invisible man, it don't cost as much time in your preparation for him, you don't have to put on make up. You know, girls like to make up themselves when they are about to have, a visitor.  So you don't even have to shower.  You don't have to polish your nails. Nope, you don't have to do none of those things. It's quite an amazing opportunity to just BE YOU! Be yourself, your all beautiful self, it's an opportunity to just love yourself, you don't have to worry about being judge for not being pretty enough, or tall enough or, you know, all of those things that women tend to bother themselves with. You don't have to do any of that, you just be "You".
    "Okay Ma'am."
    "I've also lost a lot of weight, at least 30 pounds!"
    "Ma'am, we are not here to talk about your weight loss plan."
    "I'm saying it's quite an intriguing and amazing opportunity to just discover who you are without all the trappings of make-up and jewelry and accessories and smell good stuff, where you just can be in your own smells. If you pass gas, he doesn't care, and you can release yourself in other ways. It doesn't bother him. There's no judging of you or anything that you do. So in that regard, I think it's quite a healthy relationship to have because you don't have to be anything but who you are. And who would not want to have that type of relationship with someone?"
    "But Ma'am you're in court accusing him of raping you. And so if he's raping you, how is that…….?"
    "Excuse me judge, I just wanted to explain to you that I read that anybody who comes to you and attempts to have sex with you while you are asleep that is a form of rape."
    "Yes Ma'am it can be considered that.  Did you ask him to leave or anything?  Did you demand that he stop? Did you call the police?"
    "Well, your honor, I have to admit that, No, no and no. But I still feel that I have a case because of what I read on the internet, it's considered rape."
    "But  you didn't ask him to stop, you didn't demand that he leave, and you didn't call the police to report this crime that was being waged against you."
    "No your honor, I did not. No I did not. It never occurred to me until after I read the article on the internet."
    "Okay Ma'am you read the article on the internet."
    "Yes I did, I read it on the internet and it said that…...  And not to mention those drugs, he drugs me every time. Yes he does. I tried to keep my mind open. He's almost like Bill Cosby with the Quaaludes."
    "Ma'am we are not talking about the Bill Cosby case today, okay?."
    "I'm just saying, isn't that what Bill Cosby did, he rendered them asunder by giving them drugs. Yes, that's what he did, I know about that.  Terrible man that he is."
    "Ma'am, we wanna keep ourselves focused on this particular case right here with your particular situation."
    "It's okay, I don't mind focusing on my situation I just want you to know that I am aware of other situations that are similar to mine.  The only difference is that the man who's giving me the drugs is invisible, that's the only difference, I don't see how anything else can be different. I don't see it at all.  They come to you, they visit you, right. They invite you to come visit them. They invite you to come and play with them, all of that good stuff.  And then, once they've gotten your trust, they go for the kill. That's what I'm talking about. I was under the impression that he ws a nice guy and all his wondrous invisibility, and those brown eyes of his."
    "Ma'am how do you know what color his eyes are? If he's invisible, how do you even know?"
    "Oh I told you already. Your honor, You're not doing your job very well, you're not a very good listener. I already told you that "you" are the only people who cannot see him.  I can see him. Exactly, your honor, I can see him!"
    "Okay,  Ma'am you can see him, but nobody else can?"
    "No Of course not, your honor, that is why I am here. Because if no one else can see him, this would be an unbelievable story. No one would believe me, unless I took him to court, that's why I am here, I need to take his ass to court. That's what I need to do"
    "Okay Ma'am you need to take him to court. "
    "Exactly he needs be in front of you, your honor so he can plead his case because he's guilty as hell."
    "Ma'am So let's look at this again, what is he guilty of?"
    "He's guilty of taking advantage of...… I said this already, your honor you're not doing your job, you're not doing your job. Is there anyway I can get another judge for this case, because I am really beginning to be concerned that this judge is not doing a good job of listening to me. I've explained to him my issues and my story and he's asking me questions about things that I already told him.  I don't understand what his problem is."
    "No Ma'am, sorry about that, the judge you got is the judge you keep. You can't be exchanging judges. You can throw out your lawyer, but you can't throw out the judge. Sorry about that Ma'am, so continue."
    "Okay, well I thought this was justice, but obviously it's not. When it comes to the judges they get to do anything they wish.  So I want to talk again about the aspect of being drugged, drugged, continuously drugged. I begged him, I said please, don't knock me out."
    "Oh Ma'am we need to go back to the color of his eyes.. Are you gonna explain to us how you know the color of his eyes?"
    "Yes, I know the color of his eyes, they're…... Your Honor, I already explained that to you. If I can see him, than surely I can see what color his eyes are! They're brown and beautiful."
    "Okay Ma'am if you say so."
    "I say so.  But I still do not know why that is relevant. I have explained to you my story, and how he has taken advantage of me.  I am in this court before you your honor, because I want to get justice.  This man has entrapped me, ensnared me, pulled me into his invisible charms.  He has drugged me and left me in a hypnotic trance. Then I read on the internet that this behavior is criminal and I would like to know, your honor, what are you going to do about it? He needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!"
    "Well Ma'am, I must say that your situation is quite different from any that I have ever seen in my long history of being a judge.  We have often had cases where the defendant did not appear. However in your case the defendant seems to be incapable of appearing as he seems to choose not to.  If that be the case, what can we do?  We do not have invisible guards who can put invisible handcuffs on him and take him to an invisible jail. What would you suggest that we do?"
    "Well, I don't know what you can do. I only know that I have a case, and that I have followed due process in presenting it to you, and now you are asking "me" what to do?  I am curious as to how you even became a judge, much less remain a judge for such a long time.  Are your constituents aware of your ineptitude?"
    "Ma'am have you ever heard of contempt of court?"
    "Well, yes, I have heard of it, but I'm not too sure exactly what that means.  What does that mean, your honor?"
    "It means that if you continue to insult me, I can have a visible guard, place visible handcuffs on you and take you off to a visible jail."
    "Wow, really your honor? You mean to tell me that with all the evidence I have presented to you, that you would find me guilty of a crime and not the accused?"
    "Well Ma'am unless the accused can appear in court before this bench, you my dear, will have to bare the brunt of any inappropriate behavior, language and innuendos about my authority, etc. Since he is not here challenging my authority and you are, it would be perfectly legal for me to charge you and have you committed. So I would strongly suggest, that you proceed cautiously from this point further in the manner that you address me.  Is that understood, Ma'am?"
    "Yes, I understand. I certainly do understand. I also see that the scales of justice are a bit out of balance and that my case is not going to receive the justice I desire and deserve."
    "Well Ma'am here is what I can do for you. If he can make an appearance in this court 5 days from now, we will review his defense and make a decision. Until then, your story is quite unbelievable, so I strongly suggest that you be very cautious about entertaining him in the future.  Court dismissed!"