Friday, October 2, 2015

VA Reporter Shooting Dream Analysis

 Virginia Reporter Shooting - Unraveling the Occult Symbolism

    Please watch this video.  Click on the link below.
    Marv Hunis interprets the events of the VA Shooting as if it were a dream. See my commentary below the video


    +Marv Hunis
    Hi Marv, sometimes folks do not understand that it all started with imagination. Everything they use was once a part of someone's imagination. Your ability to use your imagination makes your work astounding! You were able to use your imagination to connect some very interesting dots.

    I don't believe that any of this is happenstance. We live in a time where folks doubt the very things that make this world go round. Because people reject so-called "myths" out of hand they do not realize that it is all a virtual reality being molded and shaped with keywords, key tools and key characters.
    What your work does is it give us access to the right brain's ability to see symbols and images that show this and other "events" are not only staged but are well orchestrated and contrived. Your imagination shows us that there is "no" accidental occurrences.

    In setting this and other "events" up it takes planning, possibly for years in advance. Each character has a particular part to play, like in a screenplay thriller, or murder mystery akin to some of those classics, i.e., Agatha Christie's,"And Then There Were None."

    You have to be a sort of sleuth as well as a mystic to unravel the clues.
    Today, we can unravel the social engineering, mind control and psyops being played upon us, but for thousands and thousands of years it went unnoticed but by a few. The manipulation continued but was relegated to the backroom of superstition, denial and the incredulous. The world we live in is a web of illusion and is manipulated by characters with genius. They know how subliminals work like background music in the human psyche. 

    This interpretation hits the core of many who share a particular myth or belief system or world view without their conscious awareness. It smacks at those myths and beliefs and could cause one to ponder or reject it out of hand, due to cognitive dissonance.

    I was completely impressed with the way you presented your observations. It peaked my own imagination and lead me to see even more into this "dream" that was created for the masses. And I guess that is in essence what I am trying to say. You treated this "event" like a dream. You interpreted the symbols as a dream interpreter would and since that is what I have been doing for many years now, I can totally align my interpretation with yours. You have to take some time, research and study to unravel the "symbols" in dreams. Folks may not give their dreams much credence, but they are messages from the soul. This interpretation bares a tremendous message for all who have eyes to see.

    Maybe we should do this with all of these "events." 

    No, we won't have "facts" perse as so many feel is necessary to have. But we will understand the deeper message of what is being told to us if we see it like a dream.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Living Your Dreams Workshop - Sept. 19, 2015 5-7PM, 4505 Baltimore Ave, Phila

Living Your Dreams Workshop


Saturday,      Sept. 19, 2015     5-7PM
Atiya Ola's Spirit First Foods,   4505 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19143

This will be a series of discussions on Understanding/Living Your Dreams and applying the lessons presented in them to waking life. Simple tools and instructions will be presented during these discussions. A book list will be distributed for further understanding.

This Event is free and open to the public.
A free will offering is graciously appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

Location: Atiya Ola's First Foods
                4505 Baltimore Avenue
                Philadelphia, PA 19143
Time: 5-7 PM EST
Contact: Nana Baakan 770-580-3322,

Please RSVP if you wish to attend.

Thanks so much!
Peace & Blessings,
Nana Baakan


Dreaming is the human connection to the universe. Whilst a dream's content may be in response to external factors, it's influenced by none, and therefore is THE true reality.
"The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is."
~ Carl Jung
Nobody knows for certain why we dream. The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that dreams were fragments of recollections of the events of the day. Sigmund Freud said that the purpose of dreams was to maintain sleep and many modern theorists state that dreams occur in order to prevent our emotions from 'overheating'.
Our belief is that dreams open our mind's eye. Their purpose is to provide the opportunity to acquire wisdom. Thus, the first and most integral component to interpreting a dream is an open mind. If one is not receptive to the undertaking that these symbolic messages are potential gateways to greater understanding, then they remain pearls imprisoned in shells.
"Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together."
~ Anais Nin
The subconscious gifts all humans with symbolic depictions of truth, however only those who seek to decipher the message prosper. Only those who seek to understand will gain.
We hope you enjoy your search for answers in these pages.
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Welcome to Dream Analyzer. Our online dream analysis service allows you to email your dream to us and have it interpreted.
The dreams dictionary is the lazy person’s dream analysis. Welcome to our dream dictionary a z.
Ever asked yourself, 'what does my dream mean?' Read the analysis of our clients' dreams to discover what dreams mean.
Our dream interpretation site with its dreams dictionary is the best on the web.
Meet John Glanville, founder of
Read about the stages of sleep, sleep research and sleep and dreams.
Discover what are dreams and read about dream symbol interpretation.
Most interesting dream facts and information about sleep.
When people think about the history of dream interpretation their thoughts primarily turn toward either Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung.
Some experts believe there are 10 types of dreams. Read more on each of these dream categories.
In times of old, a great many dream disorders were thought to be of demonic forces.
Famous dreams of people who have their place in history.
Religous dreams is founded on certain symbols of faith and worship.
Excellent dream quotes by some of the greatest thinkers of our time.
Best books on dream interpretations and the power of our dreams.
Welcome to our Sigmund Freud Dream Interpretation page.
My University days failed to enlighten me to Jung’s magnificent mind. Jung dream interpretation is based on the collective unconscious.
The most common dreams include embarrassing dreams of being naked, the death of a loved one, flying, falling and writing exams.
Common dream themes are those situations and objects that occur in many people's dreams, for example flying or falling.
Use dream symbols on your dream interpretation journey to gain insight into your dreams.
Dreams take over our minds while we are sleeping. Dream meanings offer a wealth of information but the fascinating and surreal world of the subconscious.
Explore a variety of dream aids, from potions to totems and nature's natural rhythms and cycles to facilitate dreaming.
Dream journals are a wonderful tool in helping you to interpret your dreams through-out your whole dream life.
Dream incubation is the ability to direct your dreams by consciously intending to do so.
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Sunday, August 23, 2015


New Moon Dream - 10-14-2012

This dream was preceded by another dream experience that made me feel it was truly happening. I was working on my computer researching something and I received a text message on my cell phone telling me to read my email and meet with others at a certain location. I attempted to shut down my computer and was having some difficulty closing the research sites I had been viewing. I vaguely remember accessing my text messages and looking at my email to see who else would be meeting at this location. I thought it may be a message from "Tan" about the airlift, but I wondered if he would send me a text message and an email?? I believe this part of the dream experience faded with the question still strong on my mind.

He said, we have an erroneous view of clones. He said, the original is never destroyed but held in a holding tank until the clones cannot be duplicated any more. The clone is similar to a holograph in that it can appear to be three dimensional, interact with the environment and be interacted with.  They are like super humans of a sort. They are monitored by an electro-magnetic pulse that is connected to the sensors inside of the clone. These clones appear to be quite human and function as normal human beings. (It made us wonder if we were clones.) Clones are not born, they are re-created from an original model that was born and then that model is taken and placed in a holding tube, till it can no longer be kept alive. It will age and deteriorate as the scientists have not found a way to stop the aging and deterioration process. However the original can live for a very long time, longer than the average human being. This cloning is usually done with Public Officials of the highest order. Presidents, statesmen and leaders of governments and countries. These clones are used to keep the Agenda of the Controllers in tact. 

Signs of breaking down of the clone include garbled speech and memory loss and gaffs in public presentations. Public leaders can opt for this process or they are selected; but in most cases in order for them to even be cloned they must have some significance on the world scene that would make it important for them to be cloned. In these cases they are bribed or kidnapped and returned to their family and friends. Only very sensitive observers will know who has been cloned. Long bouts of illness where individuals are held in a hospital facility are suspect and often times they are removed from the facility and taken to another facility for the cloning to take place.
Clones are super soldiers or super statesmen of the highest order. They are the detractors and distracters of the real Agenda that is in place for this world. They are used to create and instigate chaos to camouflage the true Agenda of dominance over the entire globe. 


There may be several implantations or "switches" of the cloned being. Clones will deteriorate faster than the actual human in the holding tank. The human in the holding tank is completely cogniscent. That is, the human being in the holding tank experiences "Euphoria" and various simulations and visions that make the human being believe it is better off  living this kind of existence, where there is no pain, no illness, no war, no discomfort no disharmony or disorder. Their brain is given many electrical impulses which carry images that are imprinted in the brain. This causes the release of the human will to allow itself to be used in the outer world of chaos and confusion. Without their knowledge of the damage and distortions their clone makes, they are free to live in their minds, and freely give their ability and power to choose or go against the Agenda of the Controllers. 

Since they can live for a very long time in this animated state or state of suspension, their clone can be killed, relocated, buried, marry, have children etc. without any impact on the clone or its family and loved ones. This is a very dark Agenda but has been in effect since the early 1900's when this technology was given to humanity. Humanity, not realizing it was a trap, went along with the scheme and complied offering its greatest scientists to this PROGRAM, and later its greatest Statesmen.
The Scientists were used first because the impact of Science on human Consciousness is far greater than the impact of Religious leaders, even though some unscrupulous religious leaders were approached and given the offer. Anyone who did not wish to become involved, were mysteriously assassinated or disappeared. Many of Earth's humans are not aware of this technology and seem to believe that disappeared individuals are just that. But matter does not disappear, it can be transformed, however and while some may say, these people have been abducted by aliens, more than 90% of persons who go missing are part of the experiments and are re-introduced into society as living breathing human clones, no one is the wiser. Their true identities concealed they can go through life after life with no recollection of their previous endeavors. Each cloning requires a memory swipe and re-implantation of a false memory, which the clone adheres to in all respects. Most often, if someone is disappeared, the clone returns with new memories to suit the new identity or create a new existence in a new identity. It could be implied that the Psychopaths that rule your world are clones. It could be further implied that many of the horrendous acts of man's inhumanity to man, can be attributed to cloning. Because the technology is so advanced, the average human would not be able to discern the difference and would assume that these people are sick individuals. When you introduce the concept of clones being programmed to carry out certain tasks the veil is removed and it begins to make more sense how individuals can conduct themselves in such a bizarre manner. Look at your World History for the past 100 years. Would you not conclude that something else is occurring?

Some of these clones are transported off planet. It is foolish to believe that the ruling governments of this world will totally coalesce with outside forces without having some back up plan, that is, another plan to undermine, underlay or even sabotage the so called agreed upon plan. Since clones appear exactly as the original they often go unnoticed even among the nefarious cohorts in your governments. You have a saying on your Earth, "There is no honesty among thieves." This is very true, and while they are making plans, they are making alternate plans so as not to be left unsecured.

The individuals who are used in these programs are for the most part willing to undertake it. That is why it works. The Universal law of Free Will has not been violated when one willingly allows themselves to be given this "opportunity". The reality in the mind of the individual who agrees is simulated in such find detail that it can barely be called anything but actual.

On the other hand, the clones are controlled and manipulated from the start. Since their consciousness reality is "connected" to the original human being, they can be manipulated through fears that the original human being had. All this is done through electronic pulses that implant images in the clones brain and cause the clone to react to these images as if they are true in real time. They are robots in the sense that they follow a control program that is implanted in their brains and in their nervous systems.

Clones are barely perceivable from human beings. In some instances, when beings are photographed there may be color losses or variant spectra of colors around them, not easily noticeable and easily disregarded as a photo anomaly.  As stated before, cloning primarily happens within the Elite groups of your world, and among your Statesmen or public officials of the highest order. They are most needed to plan, conduct and enforce the Nefarious Agenda of the Outsiders.

When the clone begins to break down, they are replaced. Using the same method of disappearances for long periods of time, burials, assassinations, untimely deaths etc. While this is commonly done to World Leaders and Elites of certain hidden and secret societies, as mentioned before it can happen to anyone who agrees to the PRORAM. In some instances along with World Leaders and Scientists; geniuses, artists, musicians, activists, and criminals are abducted for the PROGRAMas well.

Some re-incarnation reports, abduction reports and various sightings and miracles could be memory implants and so verifiable that they appear genuine; when in fact, they are all products of memory implants.

Clones are manipulated from stellar or space centers in the upper atmosphere as well as through technology on the ground and under sea levels up to 3 nautical miles. It is trite to believe that the occurrences on your World can be explained through the branding of the Illuminati or NWO that is orchestrated knowingly, by the Elite. The PROGRAM is so secret that not even those who consider themselves in the know, know what is truly happening to them or their associates and colleagues. They are all robotisized and as mentioned before anyone who refuses will be dealt with. In fact, refusal just limits the life span of the clone, its effectiveness as part of the Agenda and the number of times it will be visible in the electro-magnetic spectrum of the instruments used to track them.
Clones are electro-magnetically connected to the original specimen. This gives "life" to the clone. Some may say that clones don't have soul. What they are doing in essence is harnessing the electro-magnetic frequency of the soul of the individual in the holding tank. This is done through a variety of implants into the clone and the individual.  This creates a bond of frequency sharing or vibratory connection between the individual and its offspring (or offsprings) the clone (s). When the clone is terminated its connection ceases, another is created and the process continues, all the while the original individual is unaware of what is happening to its various extensions of itself. Since soul is multi-dimensional its frequency can be manipulated in a varieties of ways, opening the path for several clones. That is to say, that Soul cannot be created but it can be manipulated and thus the "Life Force" of the individual can be extended and/or shared with its clone.

The PROGRAM is very conscientious as to how to conduct this process. It knows that too many clones would be too obvious, so they duplicate them in sequence, after short disappearances, to keep the level of suspicion down to a minimum. In this instance, peculiar behavior can often be held in suspicion, especially after an absence for a period of time. Typically, these absences can be for several days, weeks or months. And in the case of death of an individual clone, a new clone will simply appear in another part of the environment where the Agenda can be continued.

Ironically, your motion picture media has given you several hints of the PROGRAM and some of its outcomes. Couched in Science Fiction it is easily dismissed by most.  The secret programs on this Planet are revealed to the masses, therefore, they are not truly secret. But they are used as decoys and distractions away from what is really happening and have been happening for some 100 years on this planet. Many of the situations of airplane crashes, sinking of sea vessels, kidnappings and even war are viable ways to collect humans and induct them into the PROGRAM. What better way to "free" someone from the miseries of life than to give them a pseudo-happiness-euphoria induced existence that would appear to last endlessly? Victims of the fateful life on earth, become willing participants of the PROGRAM and are keenly observed and selected. Have you ever wondered what happened to all those people killed in wars and munitions attacks around the world? What about those who are suffering from starvation, natural disasters, homelessness and hopelessness? The PROGRAM is an insidious tool that manipulates the disenchanted, the wounded, the sick and injured. They are needed for the WORKER CLASS to continue the agenda of the OUTSIDERS. Since they are unconscious of what their clones are doing on their behalf or in their steed, they willingly accept the Utopia they have been implanted to believe exists. THIS IS THE TRUE MATRIX. There is no waste of energy and every human being has its usefulness in the overall scheme of Planetary Domination and Dominion.

You have a saying on your planet. "Resistance is futile." The Outsiders have manipulated everyone and everything needed to conduct their Agenda from the hidden recesses where they cannot be seen. Once an individual has become aware of them, they must go forth with the Domination and Dominion Agenda. Anyone who resists, will be manipulated until they do not. Primarily the manipulation is done through thoughts, visions and memory implantations. If the resistance persists, they will be coerced, mildly with threats of exposure of the individual's life that would prove embarrassing. Then they will threaten to do this to their family, friends and loved ones. As it can only be successful with the individual freely giving themselves to the PROGRAM, it is important to have the individual consent at all costs. "You must pay the rent!!"

As mentioned before this has been going on in plain sight for over 100 years. It is part of your ancient Earth's history; a story never told but often alluded too. It has also been used on many other Earthlike planets. Earthlike planets have not developed to this stage of genetic engineering technology and are therefore, more susceptible to the PROGRAM. In the case of Planet Earth in this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy, the engine of Dominance and Dominion has been exacerbated due to the coming Alignment which will awaken many of Earth's inhabitants to the PROGRAM. The desire to keep the masses asleep is overpowering, so there will be many so-called False Flags for this purpose. Many wars and rumors of wars for this purpose. Many climactic changes and natural disasters for this purpose. And many, many False Prophets who will appear as SAVIORS for the lost and confused masses.

What can you do to avert this calamity? You already know..... That is why you are receiving this message.

Cloning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human cells and tissues. It does not refer to the natural conception and delivery of identical twins.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Sighting in Philadelphia

The Sighting In Philadelphia

So, I am coming out of a deep sleep this morning, in fact I thought that I was awake and I was walking down a street in downtown Philadelphia. Well, maybe not downtown, but the street was a wide street as if it were downtown.
For once, folks are looking up into the sky at the weird cloud formations, well that is what I assumed, because the clouds were rippled, like they are right before a major so-called natural climatic event. These are my thoughts as I look up too, but I am always looking up so that's nothing new. I just shake my head at the obvious un-naturalness of these clouds.

I find it curious that the people are standing there, just looking up. They were standing in the street as well as on the sidewalk and they are all looking up as if in some kind of awe or transfixed like they couldn't look away even if they tried. Now that really made me look up too, although I had just looked up, shook my head and went on my journey, these folks, however were not moving and staring into the sky, so I decided maybe I should look again.

Well, there it was, a clear as day, dancing through these scalar clouds, a space craft. It was round like the typical flying saucers but not quite as it seemed to have a translucent dome on the top and the bottom, but it was so far away it just looked like a disc in the sky the size of a quarter. It danced and flipped and danced for several minutes, not the usual, now-you-see-me-now-you-don't appearance, but an appearance that seemed to want to be seen by the people on the ground.

Not exactly but close enough

This is a drawing but it was more like this one.
I remember reading an article a few weeks ago that was on the internet about a sighting in Philadelphia. It was debunked by folks calling it a flock of birds. But this sighting was unmistakably a disc. And it was stationary in the sky as it did not jet back and forth. If anyone had any doubts about what it was it stayed there long enough to dispel all doubt.

Then the clouds seem to take on the shape of one of the famous crop-circle, depicting the face of an alien.

As the disc turn over again and again it seemed to organize the scalar clouds into images, one of which was the crop circle alien but in the clouds. Next to that appeared a picture in the clouds that look like mountainous terrain.

7 2002-08-15- Pitt, Winchester, Hampshire 01


the 'chaos canyon' on Mars

I got the impression the disc was showing us what they looked like and where they came from. If we wanted to identify them later if we should happen upon their planet, or discover it in space, or some such, cause as far as I was concerned, what they show us is what they "think" it looks like out there. Then I began to wonder how they could even depict the sun which is 93million miles away, so yeah, I got the distinct impression that the craft was crafting the clouds to tell us something about its home planet.

I was very, very interested in seeing what the newspapers would report, or how it would come up on the internet and possibly Facebook posts. It was a spectacular display and I knew that someone had to get it to the news and the internet.

Meanwhile, I am fumbling in my purse, trying to get my phone out so I can take a picture of it. Talking myself in and out of doing it because it was so far away, and my camera phone is not that good at capturing things in the distance. I fumbled in my bag for my regular camera then remembered I left it home on my desk.  But I could barely take my eyes of the sky, it was almost paralyzing in that I could not move or let's say, I didn't want to move for fear I would miss something. In an instant, I could see how folks miss stuff happening in the sky because the feeling of actually seeing a craft for the first time is so overwhelming, you get jittering and clumsy and you don't think straight. Only folks who are out there all the time and are looking for a sighting are really prepared.

I am thinking to myself how I always wanted to have a sighting, and now it was actually happening. It was my turn to have one and I could barely believe my eyes at what I saw. It made perfect sense to me that the Planet Earth is not the only inhabited Planet in the Universe, what a silly thought, but I always wanted to see one for myself. I remember reading somewhere that they are more likely to show themselves to the disbelievers. I thought that was a bit unfair.. But promised myself I was gonna have my own summonsing, but never did it. And here I am, quite by accident looking at the chem-clouds and thinking the real reason they are there is to make it hard for the ET's and their crafts to get through the plasma mess they are making in the sky, etc., etc. I am so happy to actually have my own sighting that my usual instinctive behavior was gone, and I too am staring into the sky. I was just fumbling in my bag and hoping that someone caught it and put it on YouTube or something so I could watch it again.

I woke up from this dream, thinking I was coming into my house, but I was in my bed, that's how real this dream was.