Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Prince Rogers Nelson "I Can Fly"

Dream Date: May 6, 2016
After working on YouTube videos since April 24, 2016, 3 days after Prince made transition I finally have a dream that helps me understand even better what happened to him. Ironically, I was just thinking of how I hadn't had this type of dream in a very long time. I was actually looking at this type of dream being an indicator in some way of proof we may be living on a flat earth.
These dreams have me escaping from some threat, flying and then having to pierce through various obstructions all of which were in this dream.
To begin with, I would say that Prince fought the best of them but he won, he was able to escape with some of his "possessions" so to speak.

The dream begins with me and my mother(she is always close by I must say) and we are looking at the computer again. (She must really be intrigued by computers, cause this is another dream of her looking at it along with me.) In this part of the dream there is some reference to Prince. Maybe my mom is curious about him or maybe it comes up on a news report that we are reading/watching on the computer. This part is not clear but the reference to Prince is.
At some point we realize that we have to run an errand or something and we go outside and get into a white van (I don't own a white van, but it references something in my personal life.) We get into the white van and I attempt to start it up and it acts a little weird so I decide to drop it off at the mechanic.

Now this dream has a ton of symbolism that I do not want to miss or gloss over so I will detail it here as much as I can remember.

The mechanic's shop is on some type of hill or upper level and not visible from the street, so we had to drive uphill to get to it. When we arrive we get out and I talk to the mechanic.
There are several men there. Most of them of African decent. The mechanic I speak to has a Caribbean accent. His hands are covered with motor oil and they are very gritty black as a result. He is quite flirtatious to the point of being an annoyance when I just wanted to discuss the car and if there was anything serious or something that could be fixed quickly.
He gets into the van turns it on, comes out and says.
"Ma'am this shouldn't take much time at all to repair. I would say by the end of the day, you should have your vehicle back."

He is still being flirtatious but I can't deal with that too much. I tell my Mom, "One thing I cannot deal with is a man with dirty hands, and a mechanic with dirty hands is too much for me. His hands can't get clean, I don't care how much he washes them."
In my mind I envision someone who told me they were a mechanic and their hands were clean, clean, clean. Even under their nails, no black grit. I was very doubtful of this person's true, maybe they were just trying too impress me, but his hands were too clean.
Shortly after that I turn  to speak to the mechanic and he seems to quickly remove his "thumb" from his mouth. In my head I am thinking, now that is truly yukky, he is a mechanic that sucks his "thumb". But I notice that now his finger tips are clean but the rest of his hand is dirty. In my head I think, yeah, he keeps that part of his hands clean so he can suck his thumb, but seriously, the rest of his hands are still dirty and why didn't he just wash his whole hand??  Well, it is late afternoon so maybe he is ready to leave work or something. I don't know.
Mom, knows what I am thinking as I don't always have to verbalize with her, she's in the astral plane anyway so her tagging along is what she does. Sometimes my dream characters see her sometimes they don't.
We decided to come back at the end of the day to get the van.

When we return for the van, it takes a lot of effort to get up the hill to the mechanic's shop. Most of the people are gone and we are looking for the mechanic who took the van.
"He's not here right now, he went home, it's the weekend, he will return on Monday." one of the guys tell me.
"That's fine, he said the car would be ready by the end of the day, it didn't need major repairs so he said come back and get it. So here we are to pick up the car."
"Oh, he told you that? I don't know why he told you that, because he moved the car over there and he put the key up somewhere and I don't know where he put it."
"What do you mean, you don't know where he put it?"
"Ma'am that was his job, I do my jobs he does  his. Maybe you should have come back a little earlier."
"Well, he said come back at the end of the day. I figured the end of the day was 5:00 PM. So that is why I am here at this time."
"I'm sorry ma'am, but the car is locked, I don't know where he put the key and he is not here so we can't give you your car until Monday, when he gets back."
"That is not going to work, I need my car for this weekend and since it is right there you should look around for the key and get my car to me now."

Obviously, I am getting a bit annoyed at  how they are doing this. The mechanic points in the direction of where the car is currently parked. It is behind a fence, parked with several other cars. My mind is racing and I am wondering what else can I do to get my vehicle. A thought occurs to me, I will call 911 and report the car stolen, the police will come here and retrieve my car for me then.

"Okay, I will have to call the police and report my car stolen. He said I could come back this evening and get it, but now you are telling me that I have to come back on Monday. That was not the arrangement so therefore I will report my car stolen."
I signal to my Mom to call 911.  This obviously was not the move they expected, was prepared for or even had an alternative for. They were simply going to follow the rules of the shop, if the other mechanic did not give them the keys to the vehicle they worked on, they could not take responsibility for it. But I am saying, that is not my problem. He promised to have it ready by the end of the day and I was prepared to pick it up by then and he left without making arrangements for my pick-up so therefore, in my mind, if they will not give me my car, it is stolen, and or being held hostage against my wishes so I am calling the police.
My Mom dials 911 and tells them that our car has been stolen and right in the middle of this all hell breaks loose. There are several people involved and what ensues is the chase of the century.
They are prone for attack and begin to attack me with all they have. I say this because this part of the dream has me running from all kinds of stuff they throw at me. I can barely remember what all of it was but I do remember that there were many characters chasing me and many things used to hurt me.
There are men, women and even children as a part of this attack/chase. They come from all sides and what appears every where. As soon as I get ahead of one, another appears.

They are throwing things at me, all kinds of things… I can't remember them all but I remember ducking and running and ducking and running and running and being chased for a very, very long time.
It's a dream so I will try to describe some of the things that seemed to be what they are throwing at me. In every instance that I can remember, they were throwing things at me.
Bowls of cooked cereal…
And much more…..
I remember turning around to look a women plotting to throw things at me.
It was a strategy, when I would escape certain assailants in one section or area in this dream, others would appear, like out of nowhere and from every where.
They come at me out of houses, cars, off the street, down alley ways, out of windows, you name it they come and I am running and running and running. I am almost caught several times, especially when I look and see women and children coming after me. The surprise of seeing these characters almost made me diminish in speed as I am running, and running and running. But I couldn't stop to consider these characters. My goal was to get away.

Then I remember, "I can fly!"

I have used this method to escape danger many times before in my dreams and  so I may as well use it now. Most often only a few folks who are chasing me can fly, and even if they could they are mostly female. Men seldom can fly and if they do they can barely fly as high as I can. The only thing is that I am not always able to fly fast and altitude is not always gotten quickly enough without someone grabbing my foot and pulling me down. Any weight on my body while flying is surely gonna make it hard to reach altitude and I would typically end up down on the ground. But I decide to employ this method of escape and I start to levitate. I use my arms to push the air down to gain altitude.
To my chagrin, there are a couple of men who can fly too, and they are close behind me. I don't think they expected me to fly, but when I did they did as well and the chase ensues.
Now I am faced with other obstacles.
Narrow windows that I have to fly through, piercing them without hurting myself.
Ceilings that I have to pierce through.
Telephone wires that I have to get through.
Doors that I have to push open.
While I was flying they throw even more things at me, these things are thrown at me to try to alter my ascent, to shock me, to disturb my concentration, because you have to really concentrate when you decide to fly through all these obstructions. If you lose your concentration you are apt to lose altitude and strategy for piercing through the obstructions.
It is difficult to describe this process in words but if you can think of a bird who is desperately trying to get out, you may be able to imagine what it's like. How delicate a bird's flight is and how he has to circumvent various obstructions that may be in his flight path. And even that is an over simplification because in my scenario it is part of a chase, a feeling and a need to get away is most prominent and not merely taking flight to get from one point to another. The only point to get to is "through" the obstructions that may hinder the flight and cause me either to get captured, fall back or wake up. Having done this several times in the past, I am sure of the need for concentration, penetration and determination to get "through" the obstructions.
After it seems I have gotten through the roof of one building, I am confronted with another with the same obstacles, doors, windows, telephone wires….. But this second set of obstacles, after I pierce through the ceiling, I am outside, I am in the beautiful blue sky, I am flying, flying, flying and they cannot reach me, not at all.

Later in this dream, having succeeded in eluding my assailants, I am with my mother and we are in a small elementary school type cafeteria, one that is in the lower level of the building. A young European man comes into the room where we are.
He says.."Hello, I am a student and I have a message for you. Your vehicle is outside."
My mother and I exchange glances and say "Thanks for letting us know."
We go outside and see a pink and white ladies' bike outside parked on the side of the curb. It is actually where the van was once parked before we took it up the hill to the mechanic.
It was parked facing in the opposite direction away from the mechanic shop. It's a little old fashioned but it is brand new and shiny. It will get us where we need to go with a little effort. I hesitate for a minute wondering if I can balance us all on this bike but I throw that thought out of my head and proceed to get on the bike.
In this part of the dream, I am observing myself and my two companions standing close by.
We each have square shaped back packs on our backs, we are dressed for cooler weather and there is another person, "female" with us.
"Okay y'all, let's get on so we can go."
It seems we are all going to climb aboard this bike, with me as the driver-rider and now we can go where we had wanted to go in the first place.. And here is where the dream ends.

Prince got away, but he will return. He will not have a big van this time. He will have some of his possessions (talents) but he will be using a much smaller vehicle, one that he can navigate with some effort but since it was a bike, he will be able to make his own repairs. This time around his lesson will be of balance and he will have his mother and a guardian spirit to take along for the ride.

Prince made the mistake of trusting a "flirtatious mechanic with dirty hands" (his handler) to fix his vehicle.
The thumb is a phallic and sucking a phallic is the message here.
Since Prince would not cooperate with the flirtatious mechanic, the mechanic "closed the deal" early and locked up his "possessions" so that he could not have access to it.. (Branded his name "Prince")
When Prince called the "police" authorities he angered the mechanics who had his "possessions" caged up and while they would not give him his "possessions" on behalf of the flirtatious mechanic, they did have "authority" (responsibility) to send out the "Star Whackers" to take Prince down.
They chased after him for a very long time, using every manner of diversion to take him "down."
But he was skilled enough and crafty enough to get through and to circumvent all they threw at him.
Through death he escaped and he will return.
Meanwhile, the "flirtatious mechanic with the dirty hands" (Music Industry) will be in possession of his "vehicle", (white van), his possessions, etc, but they won't have his soul.
Prince's vehicle was locked behind a gate with many others and the keys to these vehicles is hidden by the "mechanic" handler that it was initially given to.
Prince's "vehicle" needed very little repairs. But it was massive, and the color "white" represents that it was pure talent.
Prince like anyone else with car trouble, thought to take it to someone who was Knowledgeable about how to fix cars, who could diagnose the problem and who could fix it.
The mechanic simply turned the car on, that is… checked out his music and said "it really didn't need much work and would be ready by the end of the day."
The fact that he left before Prince got there, knowing the rules of the shop, he knew that Prince would not be able to retrieve his "possessions" until after he returned…. Ha, whenever that was. So in essence, he kidnapped Prince's possessions.
I believe that if you follow the rules, and come back tomorrow… later… for the keys to your possessions you will get them, so that indicates you have to agree to wait for them to give it back to you.
If you protest, or try to through some other means to get your "possessions" they will attack you.
Since Prince was so gifted, the attack had to be all consuming..that is they had to bring out the big dogs, all that they had, but still he prevailed.
Fighting to live on this planet with all that is yours that someone else conspires to acquire/own can be tiresome and very, very difficult.
It leaves me to wonder if Prince committed suicide to get away.
He left it all. He did not have a will and refused to write one.
Now they can fight over what he left behind.
It was a conspiracy but Prince escaped.

Excerpt: "This musical landmark’s interior has barely seen the light of day. Only professional musicians, privileged friends, special-invite fans, and journalists have seen and felt its ambiance. Prince forbade virtually all visitors from photographing or recording the inside (and he demanded journalists abandon their cell phones, recorders, and notebooks before entering his purple palace)…..
Prince died in Paisley Park’s elevator which make’s lyrics from 1984’s smash anthem “Let’s Go Crazy” all the more eerie: “And if the elevator tries to bring you down. Go crazy, punch a higher floor.” Could the very religious Prince have done that? You decide. Now that he’s gone, perhaps the public will get a better glimpse of Paisley Park, just as it’s posthumously learning about Prince Rogers Nelson, the man."

Prince Rogers Nelson, aka PRINCE: { born: June 07, 1958--died: April 21, 2016 }, in Minnesota.

Excerpt: "If you read some parts of esoteric literature, they say that the most gifted artists, whether they be musicians, scientists, writers, actors, sculptors, painters and dancers are usually those who are channeling something from a different dimension and bringing it into our awareness to understand and learn from and I believe it. All you have to do is really sit down and listen to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, look into Nikolai Tesla and his work, read the works of Rainier Maria Rilke, look at the acting work of thespian heavyweights like Sir John Gielgud, study the sculptural work of Michelangelo, examine the paintings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti or Salvador Dali or look at the dancing of Gene Kelly and it becomes fairly obvious that the inspiration and talent is otherworldly. In my mind, Prince’s constant dedication, “tuning in”, connection and immersion to music and music alone, places him in that category."

Prince is Not Dead, Dream on 2016-05-22

Prince is Not Dead, Dream on 2016-05-22

Greetings All, 
I made this video as the last and final attempt to share some information I have received from the oracles and from my dreams about, "What Happened to Prince Rogers Nelson, Ask a Psychic."

I consider myself a person who studies and explores the Metaphysical world. I strongly suggest that everyone has the ability to delve into the Metaphysical world through the use of Oracles and dreams. For those who shun using the Oracles, they cannot ignore that the one thing that we all tend to do, some more than others, is to dream. If we take our dreams more seriously, we will find that there is much adventure awaiting us there. Many may not know this, but many inspirations that are manifested in inventions such as books, lore, myths, movies, art, health, etc.,  have been sighted as a result of a dream that someone had.

The reality in the Dream Universe far exceeds what we can accomplish in waking life. However, we can explore, develop and experience in the Dream Universe more than we could possibly do in waking life. When we hear the saying, "Follow Your Dreams", it is telling us, however covertly, that our dreams are the real navigators of our possibilities. We can travel beyond time to destinations known and unknown, past, present and future. We can discover our many lives and dimensions in which we have and continue to live.
If you consider yourself a spiritual being, a healer, a seer, a historian, a philosopher and you do not explore your dreams, I suggest, that you are handicapped in your proficiency to be any of the above.

The expansion of your reality thru dreams, cannot be explained in simple terms, as dreams are multidimensional and often allude our ability to explain or describe to others. Yet, these dreams greatly move us and even change our moods and thoughts irrevocably. Therefore, it is important to study our dreams so that we can expand spiritually, emotionally and even physically in our awareness of who we are as Souls having a human/physical experience. Our dreams will guide us, teach us, enlightened us and help us to develop on many levels even in our personal and interpersonal relationships. When we share them with others, we share an intimately special aspect of ourselves. When others acknowledge them, enjoy them, listen to them and appreciate them, we feel a sense of worth that is often missed in our everyday interactions.

Dreams are Messages from the Soul. Our Soul travels through the Dream Universe and takes us along. When we awaken we may not remember them all, but to be sure, we have certainly taken an inner journey to other realities.
So step into the Dream Universe with me and enjoy the ride.
Check out my blog on dreams here...
Playlist "What Happened to Prince Rogers Nelson? Ask A Psychic"

ANNOUNCEMENT: We will be starting our 6th series of I Ching Workshops Online, June 19, 2016. Please contact me if you wish to join us.

Dream Date: 2016-05-22 

This dream starts with me in my kitchen preparing a meal. It's early afternoon, judging from the sunlight that is coming into my kitchen window. A friend of mine is with me and she is talking incessantly about how much she believes that Prince is not Dead. I listen to her and think about how folks just don't want the dead to be dead but want to resurrect them for some reason or other. I am aware of cultures that actually do that. They raise their dead and clean off their bones and dress them up in new clothes and rebury them again. To each it's own. I think we on this planet have a death culture… we focus so much on the death and the dying that we forget to live sometimes.

She continues on and on and then she says.

"I know you don't believe me but I am really close to Prince. Only his close family and friends know this. He has been in the hospital for several days. I have been there to visit him every day that he has been there. When they found him unresponsive, they said they were not able to resuscitate him but that's not true, they did resuscitate him and he came back. Whenever I go to the hospital, I sit with him for hours. He is getting better and better and better each day."

She really did get my attention with this comment. The fact that she was visiting him in the hospital almost made me think she may have a point. Maybe he ain't dead after all. But I need proof, like my friends from the show me state…

I ask, "If this is true, is it possible for you to take me to this hospital so I can see Prince for myself?"
"I am not sure, but I can find out and then let you know."
"Great!" I respond, "Because that would be interesting to see him in person. It certainly would prove that you are not delirious."

I believe a few days pass and she returns. She calls out to me from outside my window and sure enough, she is being accompanied by a man who looks surprisingly like Prince. He looks a little peeked from a distance, is wearing dark trousers, a light colored shirt and dark jacket with a brim hat on his head, but I can make out his features from my window.

I go downstairs and as I get closer and closer to him, I can see that he is not Prince, not at all. He is an imposter!!
And I begin to wonder, how do I tell my friend that this person she thinks is prince is not him but some borg, clone or look-alike that is part of some scam or something. Interestingly enough, it's as if he could pick up my thoughts as he began to become a bit agitated.

"Um Sweetheart," I say softly to my friend, whom I am quite sure would be devastated if she found out that this dude is NOT PRINCE AT ALL!  I take my time with this and as I do, I see this man's skin tone, it looks false and plastic. The coloration is so unnatural it is hard to think that anyone would believe this. But not only that, the energy that came from this entity was not a good one. In fact it was a bit creepy.

We are standing near the fence that surrounds my house. He is standing really close to her and I can barely say what I want to say to her out of earshot, though by his body language, I am getting the suspicion that he knows what I am about to say.

"Listen, sweetheart, that guy does not look or even feel like Prince. I don't know who he is but that's not him."
Have you ever seen how someone's eyes glaze over when you tell them something they simply cannot process or believe? They call it cognitive dissonance but to see it happen right in front of your eyes is really something.
She stutters, "What, what, what do you mean? He ain't Prince? I been going to see him in the hospital for the past 5 days, every day, I been sitting with him and watching him get better and better and today when I went , he surprised me, he got up and was ready to leave the hospital. I told him about you and he said he wanted to come see you. Can't you see, look at him, that's Prince."
"No sweetheart, that is not Prince, I don't know who he is, but he ain't Prince."

She is getting really agitated and I can barely keep my composure, nor she, and this Prince Character is shifting from one foot to the other and his countenance is shifting as well. This shift is what alerted my friend.

He literally began to change right in front of our eyes. His skin turned to an even weirder color of mixed grey and brown or some weirdness I had never seen before. She starts to back away from him.  As she backs away she is practically leaning on the fence. He moves closer to her, lifting his arms over her head. His hands look mechanical yet his fingernails are long and extend to even a longer length as he lifts his arms over her head. In a flash, he drops his hands onto the top of her head, at which point he digs his nails into her temples, squeezes her head so tightly, I am sure he crushed her scull. He peers at me over her head as she slides down the fence and lies limp on the ground.
Now if she really needed proof that that was NOT PRINCE ROGERS NELSON, she surely got it.

I wondered as I awaken from this dream, why he decided to attack her instead of me, who could clearly see he was not real. She was the most vulnerable one. Her emotional attachment to him could make or break his scheme, while my indifference meant nothing to his plan and could barely sway anyone in any direction. When you have a scam you have to have willing co-conspirators with a lot of emotions, faith and trust in order for the scam to be believable. Killing me would only make her more emotional in the other direction, thus upsetting this whole plan to fool the world that Prince Rogers Nelson was not dead.  Killing her would keep the plan intact so that another Fire storm about his supposed escape from death would occur. And just like MJ and Elvis and Tupac, folks will be saying they are really alive somewhere in Costa Rica with new identities or something of that nature. So she was a soft target but a very crucial one if this plan was to succeed. Me on the other hand, well, I am just a Psychic and who would believe anything that I would say when a lot of people believe that I am just another crackpot trying to get people's money.