Friday, October 2, 2015

VA Reporter Shooting Dream Analysis

 Virginia Reporter Shooting - Unraveling the Occult Symbolism

    Please watch this video.  Click on the link below.
    Marv Hunis interprets the events of the VA Shooting as if it were a dream. See my commentary below the video


    +Marv Hunis
    Hi Marv, sometimes folks do not understand that it all started with imagination. Everything they use was once a part of someone's imagination. Your ability to use your imagination makes your work astounding! You were able to use your imagination to connect some very interesting dots.

    I don't believe that any of this is happenstance. We live in a time where folks doubt the very things that make this world go round. Because people reject so-called "myths" out of hand they do not realize that it is all a virtual reality being molded and shaped with keywords, key tools and key characters.
    What your work does is it give us access to the right brain's ability to see symbols and images that show this and other "events" are not only staged but are well orchestrated and contrived. Your imagination shows us that there is "no" accidental occurrences.

    In setting this and other "events" up it takes planning, possibly for years in advance. Each character has a particular part to play, like in a screenplay thriller, or murder mystery akin to some of those classics, i.e., Agatha Christie's,"And Then There Were None."

    You have to be a sort of sleuth as well as a mystic to unravel the clues.
    Today, we can unravel the social engineering, mind control and psyops being played upon us, but for thousands and thousands of years it went unnoticed but by a few. The manipulation continued but was relegated to the backroom of superstition, denial and the incredulous. The world we live in is a web of illusion and is manipulated by characters with genius. They know how subliminals work like background music in the human psyche. 

    This interpretation hits the core of many who share a particular myth or belief system or world view without their conscious awareness. It smacks at those myths and beliefs and could cause one to ponder or reject it out of hand, due to cognitive dissonance.

    I was completely impressed with the way you presented your observations. It peaked my own imagination and lead me to see even more into this "dream" that was created for the masses. And I guess that is in essence what I am trying to say. You treated this "event" like a dream. You interpreted the symbols as a dream interpreter would and since that is what I have been doing for many years now, I can totally align my interpretation with yours. You have to take some time, research and study to unravel the "symbols" in dreams. Folks may not give their dreams much credence, but they are messages from the soul. This interpretation bares a tremendous message for all who have eyes to see.

    Maybe we should do this with all of these "events." 

    No, we won't have "facts" perse as so many feel is necessary to have. But we will understand the deeper message of what is being told to us if we see it like a dream.

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