Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Spy

I meet a very handsome young man. He is tall dark-haired European who seemed to be a bit troubled by something. We strike up a conversation and he is very secretive about what is bothering him, though he does not mind being close to me. We hug a lot, which was quite pleasant to me.

We spend a lot of time together, going places and doing various things. We are enjoying each others company quite a bit and had grown quite close despite his distraction that he kept to himself for quite some time. I really wanted to know what was on his mind, but he was very secretive and protective of what was troubling him and would not speak of it.

Later, he finally  reveals to me that he is really disturbed to find out that dear friend of his is a CIA agent. He would have never suspected her, but now that he knew, he had to do something about it. The secrecy around their work, makes them not able to be revealed even to each other, and once it is found out, he has to do something, that is, eliminate her.

This prospect was very troubling to him. He had grown to care deeply for her, and this was not making it any easier for him to have to pull it off. He tells another CIA agent that he found out who she was and that now he had to do what he was trained to do. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He never revealed to her who he was, indeed, he too was CIA, but the code of secrecy had him not reveal it, or else she would have had to eliminate him.

The other agent, knew this woman as well, and said that she would take care of it. There are certain branches of the CIA that are not allowed to know about the other branches and if they find out, they actually have to eliminate the other, depending on the situation. If you are an agent, and you find out that the person you are interacting with is also an agent, you have to eliminate them before they find out who you are. He is very disturbed about this but willing to let his corroborator take on the responsibility, it doesn't really matter who disposes of her, just so long as it's done.

Susan says, "No worries, I will take care of her."

She goes to the location where Casandra is and attempts to take care of her, but loses her nerve. From out of nowhere a gun is thrust in her hand, it was as if it dropped from the sky, and she inadvertently fires the weapon and kills Casandra in the street in cold blood. She is in shock as she has no idea where the gun came from; It was like someone pulled it out of thin air and placed it in her hand. She fires it without a second thought and kills Casandra.

It's over. Cassandra is dead and now they can move on with their mission.

When I return to my friend's house, he is a bit anxious about what has just happened. He feels responsible, guilty and disloyal to Cassandra as he had struck a very cozy relationship with her and had no idea she was an agent, nor did he relish the idea of having found out that she would have to be eliminated.

I am there with him, I really care for him and I comfort him. He is such a handsome nice man. I dare not tell him that I am an agent as well. I would suffer the same fate if I did. I would have to kill him or he would have to kill me. It comes with the job.

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